Originally Posted by jorgeI
Health care was ruined by years of constant government intervention with ridiculous regulations strangling the free market, and protection by many in Congress of the Trial lawyers, not to mention medicare, welfare and all the other unfunded mandates politicians heaped upon it.
Apparently you don't know that health care insurance was granted exclusion from regulation and has been free to screw itself up.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
Obama inherited a good part of what is going on, but you forget the democraps obstructionist tactics in dealing with what precipitated this mess, the issue of Mortgage Reform. As early as 1995, quite a few Republicans from Ron Paul to John McCain and even President Bush tried in vain to control Fannie and Freddie Mae, but as usual, the democraps obstructed any reform. Even Klinton admitted as much(you know him, the dope smoking draft dodging, liar and felon don't you?).
ummm, I think you missed something here. Think about it for a minute. who benfitted most from low income mortgages. that's right, builders, developers, and bankers. There is plenty of blame to share from all sides on the brain child.

I don't recall Democrats being obstrcutionist. I do remember them being weak kneed and going along with aand caving in to bad ideas, lest they appear obstuctionsit, or weak on defense.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
Afghanistan didn't go "south" until Bush left and even if it was "Bush's fault" like everything else, the marxist (obama) has been in office now for nine months. It's his war and HIS general is asking for troops and all he can do is waffle.
You've been listening to Dick Cheney, huh? dick sure don't "waffle" do he? he just goes out and does whatever dumb thing he thinks of...like peppering his pals face.

What makes you think people Hate America. That is so lame.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
All he and the democraps care about is the population addicted to the government teat and perpetual power.
Wasn't it the R's with Tom Delay who tried to create to continual power machine with K Street? (yes it was.) You've got things all mixed and jumbled up.

It's a well known fact of psychology that people very often accuse others of the very thing they themselves are guilty of. I guess it's because, subliminaly, they know what they're doing is wrong, and they juset know someone else is bound to do it (just like themselves) and so they're sure the others are just as guilty as they are, so they make the accusation fully beleivieng others are just a creepy as they are.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
Today, about 47% of the population pays no federal income tax and coupled with true socialists, marxists they will continue to bleed this country dry. jorge
where do you get these figures? I suppose if you include children this might be close, but you really shouldn't count them.

I don't know about Marxists "bleeding" this country but I know Mormons do in fact call it "bleeding the beast." Here in Idaho the Mormons take over the public schools so it caters to their interests and their kids. Each school has a Morman "seminary" built next to it even before ground is broken to build the school. I'll give the Catholics credit, at least they pay for their schools.

Back to the subject: you guys like to toss out terms like socialist and Marxist at the drop of a hat with no sense of whether it's appropriate or not. That emotionally driven drivel is a big part of the porblem in this country. No one puts our the effort to think for themselves, and instead are willing to be spoon fed gibberish from their favorite outlet.

the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean...