KC And The Dumbshine Band,

You whine so veddy veddy nice. I'm deeply humored that the things I do on an off day,exceed your wildest dreams and that it is such a sword in your side,that I'm not forced to guess about subjects I know in exacting detail and am rather at ease in their discussion. You are in awe and rightly so...though you reliably get pizzy when asked to hang a pic,muse vocation or banty something in particular. You find solace in generalizations,quips from the back of the crowd and the lackluster underarm toss of a rock that Oprah could top as a defense mechanism.

Now I don't work on an Oil Rig and never have,though the boys are always trying to entice me,because I'm often there to save their day. Can't blame them there,as it'd be great for morale and production. To date,I've never seen a gal on a Rig and I reckon for that reason and to satiate your copious shortcomings,you could term the vocation "manly" and yet another sumptin' beyond your meager abilities.

Haven't met anyone on The Slope,nor anywhere else,who shoots as much as I. What I have seen is a bunch of gents come for a visit and race home to feverishly build rifles to allow them to do the things they've done with mine. No shame there and I reckon it a pretty good call.

Now Cutting is very truly something for the rugged of the most rugged and it burns your panties enough that you ain't of the ilk,that you are forever trying to pass the buck there. It isn't on my shoulders or those of anyone else,that you aren't up to the task physically or mentally. Most ain't and then some.

As per always,your safezone is homosexual musings,which is an AO in which I couldn't slight your likely having vast experience within.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."