Spend your money on an Integral Designs & be done with it. They're in Calgary & make very good stuff. Spend your money once. The only Wiggy's items I have are the light weight slip over boots for wading creeks & streams. Those, BTW work great IMHO. Just get ID gear & don't look back. I have one of their mummy bags rated to +15 (I think it's +15) and it works very well on the north side of the Brooks as well as here in the Interior for our Sep. moose season. I also just got their light weight jacket w/ optional hood. Expensive but quality is very good. I can't believe how warm it is for it's weight. I'm wearing it every day now as it's getting to about -5 deg. or so. I'll be getting the matching insulated pants next spring and will be using these two items on our Aug. 2010 sheep hunt into the Brooks. Gonna use 'em so I can siwash it on mountain tops & not hike up & down the mountains daily.
Integral Designs gear just plain works.
Bear in Fairbanks

Last edited by Bear_in_Fairbanks; 11/11/09.

"Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes."
Amazingly, I've lived long enough to see a President who is worse than Carter.
And finally,
Gun control means using two hands.