Howdy Folks,
I know I am old and crotchety but sure do get tired of every Trail Hunter (commonly known as "Road Hunters" in the lower 48) that passes by on their 4-wheeler, seeming to think everyone is just dieing to talk with them!
In my younger days it was not much of a problem as I would get as far as my Alaskan Mule would take me and then hike from there to a location beyond where one could ride.
Today I can no longer do that. If I can't get the Mule up to where the animal is down, we don't shoot. Subsequently, most every passer-by stops at least once to try and start/force a conversation. Standing 50 yards off the trail, have actually had people yell out: "Shoot one"?
Another time was climbing out of a valley on a muddy hillside. Wouldn't you know it, here comes someone from the other direction. Trying to be polite, we moved off the trail to let them pass. First individual pulled alongside and STOPPED. Proceeded to remove his earplugs from whatever he was listening to and tried to start up a conversation! There I am with brakes fully engaged so as not to roll back down the mountainside and he wants to shoot-the-bull! When I stated I would appreciate his letting us pass without delay, he was truly insulted.
Then there was this other time..........Oh well, I could go on and on but you get the point.
Please do not misunderstand, I have no problem with folks who want to ride around on their 4-wheeler all day, "hunting" whatever suits their fancy. They have every much of a right to be out there as I do.
The only thing I request: Don't ASSUME everyone wants to talk with you. Some folks do. I am not one of them. Please, just be on your way without being offended when I politely tell you I really don't want to talk with you.
I happen to like the peace and quiet/solitude of our Alaskan Wilderness and what it has to offer. If I wanted to shoot-the-bull with every Tom, Dick and Harry that passes by, I would live in town.
(Of course, keeping things in perspective, if this is the worst thing to happen, I am having a mighty fine day!)
Best Wishes
P.S. The exception to the above type of incidents, is if someone has an emergency and requires a helping hand. We have never refused to be of assistance when we could.