Originally Posted by sse
There are a lot of people in Alaska who underestimated her, too, many of them Rebublicans and she plowed them under.

I think the best outcome is not for her to go third party, but to re-claim the Rebublican party, by marginalizing all the moderate Bush/McCain Republican milk toasts. She can do it in spite of the libs and MSM.

Rather, alot of people in Alaska look at what she achieved, or rather didn't achieve, and hence are not impressed.

If she can push through taxation that put the industry that benefits the state 10:1 over all others combined and basically shutdown investment and cause the loss of 1000's of the highest paying jobs, and also pave the path for income taxes in the next several years, just imagine what she can do for the country! shocked

She makes a great cheerleader, but she is no quarterback.