Hawkeye, they indeed do. They now have many generations of information on their dogs' lineages. Or at least they can have that information.

I think the Heinz 57 rationale is often trotted out to justify being cheap. That said, money alone will not always predict a perfect dog, but it goes a long way towards breeders that really work to improve their animals and their favorite breeds. What I pay for a good puppy now will easily buy a top of the line custom rifle. A lot of people would not even consider that sort of money for a dog when one can be had for $50-500 easily.

Not all rear end problems are displaysia as well. Arthritis, back injuries and many other problems all show up in a dog's gearbox. But as soon as someone sees a dog with a bad rear end, it is immediately labeled "hip displaysia" by many.


Save an elk, shoot a cow.