to all, thanks for the feedback. had my dachshund at the camp this weekend as the mrs was going to be out town. she is a great little dog and absolutly love riding on the four wheeler as we tour the place for maintenance, etc. however, she like to follow her nose and I know if she gets lost, she is coyote grub. this came to mind this sat am at 5:15, I let her out to do her business, I stood watching in my under drawers and flip flops on the front poorch. just as she finished, a rabbit made a break for it and annie was in hot pursuit, me behind her, clad in drawers and flops - not a pretty site. needless to say, I gave her "what fer" and put her back inside. really, I wanted to go deer hunting and not looking for a lost dog. the deer hunting is another story as my 11 year old son missed a real "hawg" of a deer in the fog. not really his fault but it did make me ill. I could see it well through the binos but he really could not get a fix on it in the scope. it was as good of a deer as you could hope to see at our place. maybe we will get another look at it via the trail camera.