I live in Washington. I live in the next county north fom Skagit and about 40 miles north. I also am and have been an elk hunter for over 40 years.

Western Washington is PITA paradise and Granola cruncher land. Politically correct, Yuppies are wizzing past my house in their BMW's and VW's on I-5 as I write. This area also is TV News Soundbite-land where whatever gets said in a 30 second soundbite report on TV becomes the social fabric and "actual" history of the event. What really happened becomes unimportant.

Hunting in Western Washington really stinks. Poor public game management policy coupled with appointed and elected granola crunchers who have opposite agendas, running most political offices in the western part of the state, it is very hard to be a happy hunter here.

Hunters need to be more sensitive to the notion that Poorly Managed Perception becomes Reality! Plus, it does so with alarming speed. The judgement errors of these few hunters and their lack of control and hunting discretion will hurt the cause of hunting way beyond the true significance of the event, the animal loses or the few tickets issued. This will affect public policy and not in a way that is good for hunters. A few incidents like this, even when the participants did not directly break any laws, have the effect of further limiting our choices and hunter freedoms.

Last edited by Oldtrader3; 01/07/10.