I didn't take the time to read through all the responses, but I read enough to get the idea a lot of guys are advocating a rifle is best for self-defense. I don't disagree with that thinking, but the nice thing about a handgun is that it's with you all the time, not propped up in a corner, or in a case, etc.

A few years back here in Utah a couple guys were murdered in deer camp by a POS father and son, who wanted their truck and money. I don't know for sure if one of them would've had a handgun that it would've made a difference, but I definately like the odds.

My way of thinking is, I'd rather carry pistol and not need it, than need it and not have it. And for those who don't think the 9mm carries enough womp, would you wanna be shot with one? I sure as hell know I wouldn't.

I prefer Glocks to anyother pistol. Maybe not the prettiest, but they're as reliable as anything. A real simple philosphy in a SHTF scenerio is to move to cover and make your shots count.