Like I said, "lots of angels".

It used to be the .44 Mag vs. .45 Colt debate had merit - the two cartridges were vying for the King of the Hill. Nowadays neither is even close. In your post you listed the .475 Linebaugh, .500 Linebaugh, and .50 Alaskan, but we can easily add in a bunch more that thoroughly thrash the old standards. The debate is moot.

A regular ol' .45 Colt in a medium weight and barrel length revolver is already perfect and I don't mess with it. I can trump the best .45 Colt handloader in the world by spending 20-minutes at the gun store and picking up, oh joy, another revolver. Part of me finds that fact depressing - some of the art of guns and handloading gone and any dork with the latest whiz-bang can smirk at my sweat-stained handloads. The better part of me now enjoys a cartridge for what the inventor intended.

Sorry for the dose of 'JOG Philosophy' with your morning coffee. wink

Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.
Robert Frost