I was at a gas station near Mile 150 on the Alaska Highway about 20 years ago. We were filling up all our tanks, on the way to a hunt.

Suddenly we heard a terrible wailing shriek coming from a woman out in a field near the gas station.

We all dropped what we were doing, and ran towards her as fast as we could run.

Sobbing hysterically she pointed to the sky.

There, struggling to gain altitude, was a huge Golden Eagle flying off - while packing her sweater-wearing Chihuahua beneath it.

It seems she had taken it out of their big RV, walked to a nearby field - and let it off the lead for a run, when the eagle swept down on it.

Her husband, who was filling up the RV, muttered under his breath to my buddy - "God I hate that dog - I hope the eagle doesn't drop it!" - all the while, standing alongside his RV, looking relatively unconcerned, and continuing to fuel his vehicle up.

When we heard the story later, from our buddy, about what the guy had said - we almost broke our ribs laughing.

Cruel men we are.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."