Coyotes at the ranch would bait my dogs away from the house and then the pack would jump on them and whip them up good...Either dog could kill a coyote one on one every time.

My worst problem was Javalinas, my dogs hated them and those pigs would rip them up good, those dogs never seem to learn. I just kept sewing them up. One morning Charcol had his chest ripped open and I could see his heart beating and his lungs..took him to town got him sewed up and 3 days later he and Smokey were at it again...both were also immune to rattle snake bites..both had been bitten nemourous times until finally they just puffed up a bit and were good to go in two or three days without medication. Hated snakes too..killed them all the time.

If you get a dog or horse rattle snake bit stick a rubber tube up there nostrils, mostly they suffacate from rattle snake bites because the nostrils swell shut...