Originally Posted by jmp300wsm
I have been a life long McCain supporter, BUT I think that is about to change this year. I don't have enough time or space here to explain what I think and feel about this country of ours. For the first time in 42 years on this planet I am nervous about the future and freedoms. As well as most everyone I know is MAD and Nervous. We better take the opportunity to make the required changes BEFORE we no longer have the opportunity!! I don't know if the majority of the American public is REALLY aware of the precarious position we are in?? We need to get rid of so many viruses in Washington and start to get back to some of the values that we were founded upon. I know it is 2010 and everything changes and some things may no longer apply, but everyone knows what I mean. Come on folks start talking to people about what makes sense and what changes nedd to start happening NOW. My rant is over.

Sir, You seem to sum up a large portion of the Tea Party movement. So many have pretty much assumed it just could not get to this point, as the chipping away went on. This president and congress has decided to take a bigger bite that is above the normal radar and it has gotten the sincere attention of folks they likely would rather not have woken up.

Even some "Moderates" who just hate to make decisions are getting off of the fence that has cut off the circulation to their nuts for so long.

It seems this current pain from the bite of hussein/pelosi/reid, etc. has become enough to wake some deep sleepers.

"The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen" - Dennis Prager LINK