Originally Posted by toltecgriz
In the words of EK, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." Shoot them and see. There really isn't much difference between a .300 and a .338 and in the field, at game, you won't notice it at all...most likely. MHO

Plus one. It's in the rifle.

My .338 is a lightweight with a plastic stock (M700 XCR). My 300 WM is a heavy in a HS fiberglass stock. I prefer the recoil of the .338 even in a light rifle to the sharp snappy poke from that .300.

Rost mentioned how the recoil impulse itself is different. Plus one to that too.

I've only run up to 225's in my .338 so perhaps that's part of it.

.338 recoil is like a bigger 30-06. A big push. 300 is much sharper.

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