A couple of articles created quite a bit interest. In addition, to the two articles posted here is a list of 7x57 articles in my files.

2008 April-May Handloader #252 - John Haviland

2007 April-May Handloader #246 - John Barsness

2001 June-July Handloader #211 - Stan Trzoniec

2000 August-September Handloader #206 - John Barsness

1999 February American Rifleman - Edward A. Matunas

1991 September-October Rifle #137 - Ludwig Olson

1984 March Outdoor Life - Jim Carmichel

1974 Gun Digest #28 - Jack O'Connor

In addition, O'Connor wrote about the 7x57 in THE RIFLE BOOK and THE HUNTING RIFLE (my favorite description - Big Punch in Little Case)

I for one, would appreciate learning of other references.

You're Welcome At My Fire Anytime