I don't think we need to loose track that Idaho already had wolves in place before they re-introduced them and through the red tape and paper work,they forgot to control the reproduction of the new Canadian Wolves.

I am not against wolves in any way, but they have to be held to numbers that do not threaten the other game and livestock, as bad as it has,atleast in my part of Idaho very close to the re-intro.

There killing livestock and pets like crazy.People on the skirts of town put up high Deer fences to keep the Wolves out at night so they can let there pets out to go potty.

If your not living right in the middle of the outbreak,you don't have a clue,other than what you read, to the damage they are causing here in Idaho.There flat out of control in some area's and left only to eat,whatever they find as they already all but wiped out the local Deer and Elk...HERE!!!

How do I no this..I spend every day of the week in the hills getting firewood to sell and there is no game to speak of like there once was.I haven't seen a Moose in two years and not 1 Elk withing 15 miles of town in the hills that was 5 years ago,rich in them.
