Originally Posted by cmg
Originally Posted by ImitatedOften
Poor old dumb K-She,she tries(at everything).

Her Rat avatar Buck is funny in a fullsize pic,but she's thus far only been brave enough to hang it once and it really didn't have the "affect" she was hopin'..............(grin)

So -

The trophy makes the hunter or what?

He who kills the biggest bull/bear/ram/buck has the biggest tool?

Telling - in a most freudian kind of way.

Here is news - one must not be tall to be grand. There is hope for you, yet.

Poor,poor K-She...she likes to flap her gums about all sorts of things and is troubled with reading text to boot. Though in fairness,it all adds up,to some First Rate Humor.

I'd be unable to formulate an extrapolation,that would allow the smallest to hang with the biggest,of any Species. But hell,I'm all ears and would dig your attempt at sugarcoating that one.

K-She is the biggest tool and it don't matter what she shoots,though if you wanna giggle,get her to say something in the firsthand about rifles and such. Hell,even SHE knows better!

Here's a tidbit,talk is cheap...just ask K-She,it's the only "results" she's afforded. Couple/few puns there.............