Grenade, that's what I thought of the hole in the shoulder of my sons deer he shot around 275 paces, looked like a 270 hit it, same with the grapefruit sized hole in the back of the first he shot minutes earlier at 300 paces. Extended range probably helped give more penetration that up real close. No doubt, I don't get fond of bullets that won't exit, but have a few times with careful placement done so.

I can't argue an 85 Partition, love the TSX and feel the 80 TTSX would be the bomb (not as in explosive, but deadly).

We are no different, as if I get a gross failure in any equipment, whether bullet, rifle, or whatever, I seriously consider if I will use it again. No doubt a partition or barnes will likely statistically rarely if ever come apart like an HPBT might be prone to do, depending on what they hit.