Originally Posted by Ringman
Sue tried the slide. It was easy for her to work it. Should we buy one and put some Magsafe ammo in it?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

I guess I didn't make it clear enough. Maybe I should spel it fonetikly.

You want to buy a PPK? No problem. It's your money.

But since you ASKED on this forum for opinions from informed and experienced persons, I will make ONE more attempt at reason here.

Go to a gun store that has a range, and has guns you can rent & shoot. Rent & shoot a PPK. Then rent & shoot a Glock 26, or better still, if they have one for rent, a Kahr 9mm. ANY Kahr 9mm. If, after you've shot the PPK and at least one other subcompact 9mm/380 ACP, you want to buy the PPK, more power to you.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars