Originally Posted by Duquensebeer
Yesterday, some idiots - who figured to cut me off at the pass, came in - at night and put up one of those ground blinds 100 or so yards below my tree stand.

Now the funny thing about it all is the fact that my best shooting lane is directly in line with their blind and the fact that I was there first.

This was on private property, and my nearest guess is that some people from the camp below was not seeing deer and figured to hone in on my territory.

They have 116 acres of posted property and they had to come on my 5 acres and try to take food off my table.
Just as you have said - there was 3 things wrong with their attempts.
First was that they did not have the legal requirement of Blaze Orange on the ground blind.
Second was the fact that they walked in with a video camera at about 8 AM - in clear view of me and my tree stand.
Third was the fact that they figured that they were closer to the deer then I was and so they were going to have the best opportunity to harvest a deer.

What they didn't plan on was that I had a little Mini stereo in my tree stand and when they hid out for about an hour and got good and settled in - I just put on a little dinner music for my friends.
Wango Tango - Ted Nugent!

I only cranked it up about half way, but it was enough to make them come running out of the ground blind, mad as hornets.
After about 10 minutes of Johnboy n Billy, they packed up and left.
Then they screwed me again - they went to the top of the hill and blocked off all deer movements in my area.

Their buddies drove their truck across our land about 7 Am and came back a second time around 2:30 PM..
There is only one problem with that - they do not have permission to be on the land that I was on and they do not have a right of way on their deed that allows them to use the gate on the road that I was near...

I am not the property owner - but I know the property owner - because he bought the land with the profits from the sale of the timber on our camp when we owned it. So I do have permission to be there.

Next Saturday - you can bet there will be a brand new lock on the gate and the truck will be parked in front of the gate and any illegal activities will be dealt with accordingly.

I had 5 of their hunters post directly behind my tree stand.
How many people can you fit on 5 acres of ground?
They all must have thought that I had my own little honey hole and instead of hunting their ground - (which I could shoot deer like rabbits if we still owned the camp) - they refuse to put on drives or do any work to get deer.

They just want to drive around in the truck and shoot out the window.
I didn't hear this from just one hunter in this woods, I heard it from a half a dozen different people.

So my opinion is - what happens if a person sitting in one of these camo blinds gets between a deer and a bullet. Can the shooter be held accountable when he cannot see you our your blaze orange? That's why they call it camo right?

Exemplifying what's wrong with PA deer hunting, on many levels.

That douchebeer will lambaste a KID for taking a legal deer, and then crow about this, well...