Originally Posted by Flower_Child
Guys.....Problem solved.....Ya take her on one of yer famous / infamous, one way dissappearing, never to be seen or heard from again, airplane flights. Hell, this could become a new cottage industry fer y'all and expand into a new market for solving y'alls growing Liberal resettlement problem.

Flower Child

Never fear, they'd send out search and rescue, just another one of the overpriced, over-budget safety nets provided by the gravy train for too few people.

Ever wonder how how much money is spent just training people to save
Originally Posted by bea175
some of the biggest Dumb-Ass people this country has for citizens

Getting rid of the Coast Guard should be one of the first kettles of FedGov gravy to go, don'tcha think? What an absolute waste of money. People up here ought to get some brains and balls. Stop being stupid, or suck it up and realize that "stupid hurts" and sometimes costs.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.