Another thing about breast feeding. I don't know if you have kids or not or if you do, when they were born. You're a little older than me. We had our kids late, and as such possibly were in a different era of prenatal/post-natal care. There are all sorts of stats out there to support breast feeding in all its facets. The people who are true believers are nothing short of nazis in the way they push people into it. Our first baby was dammed near malnourished in her first days of life due to the way the nurses insisted she be fed. We didn't know any better and had been highly propagandized. I could go on, but to bottom-line it, I think breast feeding is great as long as all the stars line up. If they don't, bottle-feeding is fine and isn't going to make your kid retarded or something.

I am not bragging, but I was bottle-fed and am smart enough. Both our kids were bottle-fed and they are sharp as tacks. They are both very near gifted levels intellectually, if they are not gifted.

Point-being, what you read may or may not be true but most people ain't gonna let the kid pull on the teat until they are a teenager, and rightly so, whether there are less Einstein's out there or not.