I have been pining for a gun chambered in .257 wby and I have heard mixed reviews from some of my reloading buddies and generally from my gun nut friends.

Can the 257 wby be just as accurate as say the 25-06 and if so what is the best factory rifle to buy this caliber in? The mark V only offers a 1.5" gurantee and in this day and age of modern rifles that just doesn't cut it. So what gives? Please enlighten me with all there is to know about the 257 wby chambering and I have an interest in it but I don't want to spring for a custom right now aslthough an ER shaw would be cheap enough.

anyway I am getting off track.

break it down. Freebore issues?? what?

Last edited by Big_Bullseye; 02/07/11.

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