Well sorry, but I really dislike the factory "target stocks", they're horrible for ergonomics; look great, but feel horrible. Especially the later ones with the "speedloader cut". The early one's were actually very good as they were designed by Walter Roper. But as time went by, they became fatter and fatter at the bottom, the coke bottle shape went away, and the space behind the trigger got farther and farther back, until they were left with an ergonomic abomination that resembled the original grips only in a two dimensional magazine ad. The later guns with the Hogue grips are ergonomically vastly superior for those who like to shoot vs. just wipe down and salivate over their gun.

Well, the whole thing is an intellectual exercise now, as I have already sold off the gun. My daughter was very disppointed that I didn't bring home a 9mm, which is what I told her I was setting out to do. So I found a Beretta 92 and made a swap, and ended up with some cash in my pocket. Coupled that cash with a little more I made at the gun show, and I now have a late model commerical Mauser HSc in .32 ACP. This too will be for the kids as they really love the .32 ACP cartridge. I'll do my best to pick up a .380 barrel so it can do double duty as a defense gun.