Originally Posted by efw

So which is it?

I did say that I understand that nothing is for certain. I also said I don't take chances. The confusion arises when folk are not willing to make the differentiation between deliberately taking unnecessary chances, versus accepting inevitable risks. They then follow by trying to qualify their chances-taking either as sport or as an entitlement merely because they have pony'd up the cash for five tags that they want to fill. From what you have told me, I can see that you don't do that. Like many others, I am not convinced that the folk in that video aren't taking any unnecessary chances. I personally find that irresponsible, and furthermore damaging to a common cause that we all share, all in the name of selling product or service (read disservice). That is my take on it, which may be of interest�as the views of others are to me�to anyone here who has more to contribute beyond shallow high-school jip, however much of an expert they, or others think they are.


Last edited by TheProRifle; 03/12/11.