Originally Posted by EddyBo
NYH1, how long before your moving around? I am probably having something similar mid june, if I can put it off that long. I have a PD trip first week of June that I am not going to miss this year. I have not got into recovery times with my doc, and am curious as to time frame.

The Physical Therapy lady at the hospital got me out of bed and into a chair the day after I had surgery (that hurt like hell!). Then she left me in the chair and said to try to sit in it for two hours and to call the nurses when I wanted to get back into bed. I thought she was crazy. I couldn't move my mid section at all. Not even to move over in bed. It was almost like I was paralyzed, kind of hard to explain. I could move my legs, arms even turn my upper back a little, nothing in my mid section though. It was like that for a week after surgery. Then I started to be able to move my mid section while in bed a little. Now I can move and turn in bed fairly easy. I still have to grab the headboard for assistance. I need to use the walker to go up and down the stairs and to get up while sitting and to sit down. I've been able to walk around the house without it for a few days now as long as I haven't over done it, then I need to use it. It just takes a lot longer to get around without it because I really have to take my time.

I have a few days in a row where I really feel like I'm making progress, then all the sudden I'm out of commission for a day or so. I just have to really take it easy or it catches up to me real quick. I drove my truck twice. Once last Thursday to make sure I could do it and I took the kids to school yesterday. Thursdays trip was a little to long. I was really sore afterwards. Yesterdays trip was about a ten minute trip so it wasn't bad.

I was a little overwhelmed by the surgery. I had my knee scoped in 1991 (was 16) and had hernia surgery in 2000 (was 25). They were both one day surgeries. In in the morning, out in the afternoon. This time I went to the hospital Friday morning and came home the following Monday afternoon. It sucked big time lol. I didn't get a wink of sleep the whole time I was there. My Dr. said it can take up to a year before everything is totally healed up. The bone they scraped from my pelvis and wrapped around the rods takes the longest heal. Doesn't mean that I won't be able to do things sooner. Just have to wait and see. The plant will probably be closed by the time I'm ready to go back to work so I'll probably go right on unemployment. We get NAFTA TAA/TAR benefits because they're sending 90% of our work to Mexico and Canada. Good things to look forward to. frown

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