Since sharpsguy won't post his simple method, I'll psot the one that has worked well for me, even in the humid southeast.

I don't clean during a match or shooting session, simply blowing a couple extra times before starting to shoot the next relay or group.

After finishing for the day, I blow 6-8 deep breaths with the blow-tube, run 2-4 cleaning patches damp with a mixture of water and a dash of Murphy's Oil Soap until one comes out completely clean. That one swabs the face of the muzzle. Then I run a couple of dry patches, and complete the job by one good wet patch of Eezox. After the patch comes out of the barrel, it is used to wipe all metal, including the sight.

After this treatment, the rifle is put into storage until the next time I use it, whether that be a week or a year. It takes longer to type it than actually do it.

I've never had any problem with barrel or surface rust, even in very humid climates. It takes longer to clean the cases when I get home than to clean the rifle.
