Originally Posted by rphguy
Hitler was called a monster for killing 6 million Jews in about 6 years.
The U.S. is killing that many babies every 4 years for 35+ years now. What does that make us?

There are many reasons our government should not finance abortions. One of them is that the abortion industry is horrible. It is abominable. Second, is that it is not the "government's money" that finances the killing of the baby. It is our money, which makes it part "my money". When my money is being used to finance murder, then I am forced to endorse it, by default, making me culpable for murder before God.
I don't want to have blood-guilt on my hands before God because you have decided to become a baby-murderer.

When you kill someone you take away from them everything they are, everything they have, everything they are ever gonna be.

Our society knows abortion is very wrong. Case in point. There's a guy in California sitting in jail, convicted of double murder of his wife and unborn child. if she had had an abortion the day before, he'd only be guilty of one murder.
One situation of killing the baby is murder, while killing the baby by abortion is not considered murder?
What is the difference?
In one situation the baby is loved and wanted. In the other, the baby is unloved and unwanted. That is it.
If someone loves you, then your life is valued. If no one loves you, then your life is worthless and you're not even human.
Many people throughout the history of our planet have been killed or enslaved because society dehumanized them and "made it morally right" to do so. The practical extinction of the American Indian and the enslavement of black people in America were built on first dehumanizing them in order to make it a "right" to do this to them..... Just like dehumanizing unborn babies "gives folks the right" to kill them.


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