Originally Posted by mike103
Originally Posted by nsaqam
Originally Posted by mike103
This place is like Lord Of The Flies.

If you guys don't like someone you gang up on them.

I never understand why the mods don't lock these threads more.

No, if someone goes out of their way to post irrelevant and erroneous BS in other people threads solely for the reaction then we gang up on him.

As it should be.

You may have tolerance for trolls but I don't and many other don't either.

But this is not the only guy you guys have treated this way.

I am a mod on another gun board and I would lock the thread IM all involved and move on.

I guess the owner does not want to actively moderate the site.

IMO, Swampy has a basic, fundamental right to his opinions and to express them. However, Swampy has publicly admitted to having a "mission". A mission to be disruptive, dismissive, and disparage a vast number of threads, in a sense taking them hostage. Taking threads and boards hostage I feel, is in a sense a form of cyber-terrorism. Locking up threads punishes everyone without singling out for punishment the culprit. In a sick, twisted form of self satisfaction by the culprit, the culprit has now assumed the role of a victim. Now, the culprits hopes are that those who speak out and voice their opinion against that particular individuals behavior are going to be banned, a form of punishment that gags the real victims.
I admire Ricks form of moderation, It's very democratic and American in nature. The Board is in a sense a court of public opinion and reflects the opinions of its members quite well.
Locking up threads and gagging the opinions of the public does a disservice to everyone.
The public court of opinion is entrenched in every facet of society, from our legal system to electing our leaders.
Swampy is evidently going to have to learn the hard way that his behavior and the methods he choose's to express his opinions are not doing well in court.


Men ocassionaly stumble over the truth from time to time but, most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.
- Winston Churchill-

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