I have used a Leupold 1.5-5x20mm on my .458 Winchester MOdel 70 and not had any problems. the .458 Lott only gets about 70 fps more velocity with the same pressures as .458 Winchester handloads that use AA2230 so I doubt you would have a problem.

I have mounted a Burris Signature Series 1.75-6X on my .375 and have had no problems with it either.

To avoid scope cut, mount the scope low and as far forward as you can without getting vignetting.

To avoid getting hurt by recoil, just hold the rifle tightly with both hands and a good cheek weld. Do not shoot it off the bench unless you have heavy padding for the shoulder and elbows. I would not mess with recoil reducing devices. Others would.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.