Coonass, not CWH2, but like him I've had injuries. I've had over a dozen breaks, bends, or bad sprains from the knees down. Physical therapist showed me some basic exercises that if you do on a regular basis it helps to prevent some injuries. One exercise was sitting on the side of the bed, with your shoes off, writing the alphabet with your toes. (In the air, not with ink.) The second thing was he gave me 3 different colored rubber bands that I would put on 1 foot and wrap around the other for tension and I would do 4 sets of these exercises. Next was taking one of the kids foam water noodles, slicing it in half and laying it end to end on the floor. Then had to walk the length of it to build up balance and strengthen the side to side movement of the ankle. The last exercise was taking a common 4 x 4, stand on it with your toes, drop down with your heels as far as comfortable, hold for 10 seconds, go back up and repeat for 10 repetitions. After doing these for 4 weeks, I returned back to work. I still do these exercises on a semi-regular basis. That's been 5 years ago and I haven't had a sprained ankle since. Try it, it may help you.

Molɔ̀ːn Labé
Grandpa:the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Dad:son you have 2 choices for supper eat or don't eat.