Originally Posted by RandyWakeman
Originally Posted by Old_Hunter
Clumping is in the bottle. It has nothing to do with what's in the barrel.

Do you agree that's it's just APP powder Randy?

I've not had any "in the bottle" clumping. The shooting I've done has been with a .50 cal. Omega. It does form a ring by the QLA, easy to brush away, and not at the level of Pyrodex / T7 as far as filth and clean-up. That the OEM is APP is no secret, Alliant has been very open about that. It is improved over Shockey's, so a flippant "just APP" isn't exactly accurate.

Filthy is a non issue to a hunter. As dirty as Goex is. You can load a second shot if needed. Which brings up a point. As long as a ML takes to load. Have you ever needed a second shot, and got it loaded in time with a ML?

APP came with a dissectant in the bottle. I don't think any other powder has to do that. Does Black MZ do that? Same powder. I'm not sure you never saw clumping in the bottle. It's a well known problem, and i've seen it.

So, I don't worry about a powder being hard to load or clean. I worry about a powder that sucks in moisture after it's been loaded. I also worry about a powder that's inconsistent in FPS. That changes the POI. APP doesn't score high in either of those categories. The Alliant powder still looks like the same kitty litter, but a darker color.

I'll need to see some range tests to believe they made it better.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a hunting license and that's pretty close.