Way back in 1973 I bought a Remington 660 chambered to the .308. I thought it was the stock that made it kick so hard so I restocked it to the Mannlicher style, wood to the muzzle. Still kicked like a mule even with a recoil pad. One year, my kids gave me a set of those Mickey mouse hearing protectors and WOW, where did all the kick go. Turned out it was the blast of my very hot reloads that made me think the gun was kicking so hard.
Then came the first recall. I took it to a remington authorized dealer for the repair and apparently they had to open up the stock for the new trigger assembly. During a couple of rainy day hunts and the stock swelled up enough to split on the inside and accuracy went all to hell. I fixed it but it was never the same regarding accuracy so when I heard about H.S. Precision making very lightweight synthetic stocks, I drove up to their plant up in Prescot Arizona and got fixed up with their very lightweight fiberthane stocke which has been on this gun ever since and is one of my all time favorites. As far as accuracy goes,I made the longest shot I ever made on a deer with that rifle and every deer shot with it has been a one shot kill. For the record, I've taken deer with thay rifle from 6 feet to 427 paces. (No rangefinders back then.) One of my hunting buddies wounded the deer and it was getting away.
One word of advice. Do not make up hot loads with H335 for that rifle. Oh they're accurate as hell but the flash and muzzle blast are horrendous. I switched to IMR4895 and while the gun still has a bark to it, it's nowhere the level made with H335.
If I had the chance to pick up another one of those rifles for a decent price, I'd be all over it like stink from a skunk.
Me and my 660 have covered an awful lot of miles together and the Good Lord be a willin', we'll cover many more miles.
Paul B.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.