Originally Posted by Sharpsman
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I just like seeing you guys get your panties in a wad!


Apparently yours stay in a 'wad' with BAD BROWN STAINS on 'em!! Romney is nothing other than an east coast ultra-liberal just about one notch above Obammy!!

The smell in your pants has [bleep] up your mind!!

Sharp, your response reminds me of the kind of thing we get from a third grader in an argument at school. That is the level of intelligence you display. Very impressive! And you write like a third grader too.

If you analyze his record, what you see is that Romney governed extremely conservatively in the most liberal state of the union. That is why pro-life, pro-family, pro-business, anti-tax entities there were so happy with him. And of course, about everything he touches he turns around and into pure gold. It would sure be nice to have his golden touch on the economy. I don't think there is a better businessman in America. Bout time we had a proven chanpion of the private sector isn't it? Or do you want the philandering, ego-maniacal career politician we practically booted out of congress the last time? You all realize when we got rid of Newt the last time we could hardly do so fast enough? The entire Republican party was sick and tired of him. But hey, what the heck, he's the flavor of the month and why shouldn't the Republican party run our own Bill Clinton for President! After all, Newt was violating his marital vows with an intern 20+ years his junior while he was trying to impeach Clinton. Hell, we may as well jettison all pre-tense to family values! As some here have put it, "So Newt is a cocksman. Good for him!" So the party that "destroyed the twin relics of barbarism" (polygamy and chattel slavery) can now become the party of the "cocksman President" and who knows what else---maybe mass orgies! Some of you guys just amaze me. Do you even recognize yourselves? Do some of you realize that in justifying Newt's serial adultery, you've actually become apologists for Bill Clinton's worst excesses? So much for principle.

Last edited by RobJordan; 12/03/11.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.