Most of the 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 year old bulls I see killed are 5pts. Amazing how you guys can tell a 6 or 7 year old bull just standing there in the meadow. Those Colorado bulls must be real predictable.

I have seen bulls as young as 5 1/2 years old reach 375" here in AZ and I have seen a 13 year old bull that was 380+. A lot of it depends on if they still have any molars left at that age.

I have never killed a 5 pt myself but I have killed and been in on a lot of spike kills. Most of the spikes we killed weighed 220-240# and that is the full quarters only which included the rib cages and some neck meat. I never weighed a 6x6 myself. They were never whole when I got them out!

In later years, we boned them all so I don't know what they weighed or bigger ones for that matter. My son killed a big dry cow that the total carcass weight with feet cut off and head cut off was 450#.

A buddy killed a 300" bull in AZ that was weighed at a check station by a guy working on his grad degree. His bull weighed 970# and was 300# bigger than the next biggest bull. He asked the biologist why it was this way and he told him "for the same reason you are 6'4" 250# and I have 5'7".

Good answer to me!

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.