Originally Posted by akjeff
MAPP gas?

I'm still testing this, so I'm not recommending it at this point. All of my tests so far have been successful, but one has to be careful with MAPP. MAPP has a lot higher pressure than the standard backpacking type gas canister.

The advantage of MAPP is that it vaporizes down to -54F, which in practical terms means they'd be usable to about -45F. Standard backpacking canisters are good down to +20F (with a 80/20 isobutane/propane mix). In other words, MAPP gas can be used in temperatures some 65 Fahrenheit degrees lower than standard backpacking canisters.

MAPP canisters are heavy, and MAPP is generally more expensive than regular gas, but gas stoves are more mechanically reliable in extreme cold than white gasoline/kerosene stoves, and gas stoves don't require priming. Not having to prime could be a real life saver if you were tent-bound due to weather.

I doubt this would be something the average outdoorsman would want, but for those who brave extreme cold, it might be of interest. Definitely a specialized item.