As you state, it is one thing to attempt a con, and quite another to have that con facilitated by virtually EVERYONE in his camp. This is a tactic by the right that has been completely successful. Make up all these rules necessary to be elected, like transparency, fidelity, financial acumen, whatever. Then hold the opponents feet to the fire to meet all the requirements - THEN -
completely disregard them yourself. AND he gets away with it. Are we, as people on the right no good in a fight, or are we just trying to lose? Who is the guy that says "now hold on there - we can't push that issue"? Frick them all. We need to insist that questions like those listed about Obama are answered. Bill Clinton did the same thing. A lot of talk about how slick he was. Bull. He got caught at EVERYTHING! The kicker was that nobody ever persued the offenses with any guts. "It depends on the meaning of is"...was NOT the response of a superior mind. Hell, it's like a 5 year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Anyways - O is getting away with stuff that he should NOT be getting away with - and WE are allowing it. How the heck do we change that for this election? Cripes, can't ANYBODY on our side take a sword from the media and attack for a change?