I hope this finds you and yours doing well this fine Saturday morning.

While I might be branded a heretic for this, I'll pass along my story anyway and then slither off to work.

Last year or maybe 2 years back, a friend of a friend brought an older Sako '06 over to see if I could do anything with the trigger, as it would go off when the bolt was closed with anything more than kid glove force.

I could not get it to close safely and have a pull weight of less than about 6lbs or a bit more.

In frustration, I contacted a BC gunsmith who has always and invariably given me good advice - our own greydog. He informed me that the particular series of Sako I was working on did that often.

He said he could set the trigger and quoted a fair price, but advised that the owner replace the factory trigger with a Timney unit that had a better mechanical design.

The Timney took about 10 minutes to fit into the stock and worked flawlessly for me and as far as I've been told - for the owner since.

Anyway, food for thought Bob. Even on a walking varminter one doesn't want it going bang when it hasn't been asked to do so... wink

Well, work beckons me so I must be gone.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"