Hi GV,

I know about these long beats: absolutly dislike them to the point of refusing invitation on these...

But sometimes like you did, i'm caught too. Dry cold is one thing, but same temp with humidity plus wind. Good for our Alaskan friends, they are used and equiped to...

May be it could help other euro guys on the forum (i'm not involved in the company): Harkila clothes (Danmark)are the most effective clothes i tested and used for years. They are used by many of my swedish/finnish friends in freezing temperatures. They are expensive but only have good thing to say about. Come to their website or to Seeland.

I went to their winter shoes too...

I have very warm clothes i bought in Canada when living there but they are not so well adapted to our ways of hunting.


Experience is a lantern, carried in our back, only lightening already walked path. (Confucius)