Originally Posted by 243WSSM
Originally Posted by Mink
Everything has it's ebbs and tides. Do your best to buy low and sell high. Much of my surplus silver has been turned into lead and brass.

Do you mean sold it and bought lead and brass? Good move

I sold 30 100oz bars of silver when silver was at $14 an ounce, that's just a year and a half or so ago. Friends were giving me crap about shoulda kept it for higher, but I never look back at a sell point I choose, I'd rather double my money than try to triple or quadruple it and end up in the negative column. I invested in silver mining stocks that went bananas, made far more than I ever could have keeping it in silver.

Metals don't "make" you anything until you cash in, keeping them and thinking about and counting what you've made is an exercise in delusion.

The next time I put money in gold and silver it will be sitting in a low the likes of which nobody thinks we will ever see. I'll sell it once again way before anyone thinks it should be sold having doubled my money.

That's liberal thinkin for ya. grin

Exactly, most of my silver was bought at 4-5 bucks an ounce. Started selling at $17 and just ran out the last BU surplus I had (about 60 ounces) for a Kimber 84L and a Sako Finnlight. I will buy in again, but it will have to drop way down to do so. Wonder what NIB guns will cost if barry gets elected again? whistle

"If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go wherever they went." -Will Rogers

"If you have a lot of self control you don't need a lot of government control" - Thomas Sowell