I rolled into Durango in '95. It was a very nice, but Yuppoe town. I just ETS'd from the 82nd and was obviously a veteran. The town seemed full of New Yorkers (pushy rude self absorbed city types; like home only different). I tried to get a cup of coffee and was pointedly refused service/ignored for twenty minutes. i know it was twenty because I really needed that cup of coffee for being 14 hours on the road and still had more to go that day. Well the turds in the coffee shop pretended I wasn't there until the male finally served me. I remembered he huffed and rolled his eyes like my ex-wife, only she was beautiful. So I was pretty butt-hurt and rolled into Cortez. Cortez was a breath of hope and fresh air. Cortez was America. Durango was LA, SF and NY. Good luck. I'll never go through Durango again.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe