Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by oulufinn
It is humorously ironic that the folks who have effectively ruined the GOP are now incensed that many of their installed RINObots are getting chitcanned & the guy they pushed into the nomination is not as popular as they demand. It isn't really about Ron Paul, It's about a fair portion of folks trying to figure out if the GOP can be salvaged, or is it gone.

If it is gone, & the RINOS hold on to it there will be a long period of progressive control to re-think their position, as they will control a much smaller party.

But the big picture that matters it that the "Rino" is leading Obama in virtually all national polls.---and wasn't the goal to defeat Obama?
Not by replacing him with someone who's merely not quite as horrible. The result is going to be essentially the same no matter who wins between those two. Neither of them seem to understand the seriousness of the problem connected to our debt, nor have any understanding of what needs to be done to deal with it. This is because both are puppets of the banks, and the banks have no interest in doing anything about the debt since they profit enormously by crashing currencies and collapsing economies.