I know, I was among those Canucks who fought against the original F.A.C. back in the 1970s and actually was writing to various M.Ps and M.L.A.s concerning gun issues starting in spring, 1968.

The fees, IIRC,were $50.00 and are now $80.00???? In any event, Harper,has been a great disappoinment to me, a Conservative-Reform voter since 1984 and his lack of action on his promises about building the Canadian Forces back to where they should be, his closures of vital Coast Guard bases and his attacks upon environmental leglislation are only some of the reasons I have come to despise him.

He is, as with the Lieberals, just another cheap,political whore and Canada, needs better than that as this country is falling apart and I, for one, am both angry and disgusted by that.