I had a student that would remove them from live traps by grabbing the tail and hoisting them out. We used squirrel sized Hav-a-Harts so that they couldn't spray while in the trap. He never got sprayed. However, I recommend catching them in the live traps and drowning them.

If you break their back, they can't spray either, and I have dispatched a couple with a .22 long rifle that way, but I had a couple of others where the spine was not hit and those did spray. I went to using a 12-gauge shotgun with No. 4 buckshot. If you center them in the pattern, they die instantly and don't spray.

If your farm store carries a fly poison called Golden Malrin, they will eat it and it will kill them pretty quickly. I used it in our horse barn up in Nebraska and some of the skunks and coons didn't make it but 4 or 5 ft from the pan before expiring.


Some days it takes most of the day for me to do practically nothing...