I have an old shed on my farm where i store some hunting stuff.

Saw a skunk outside it once but never more than a large rat inside it.

I put out a couple of one pound blocks of rat poison and left the box with 2 more one pound blocks sitting on the shelf

Well, something (skunk or coon i am guessing) got in there and not only ate the 2 pounds of rat poison i left out, but also took the box outside and tore into it to get the other 2 pounds.

Ever since then i have not seen a mouse or rat, but i do leave a few chunks of rat poison in it every time i go to the farm and they are always gone when i return

They (rats, skunks, coons, possum(?)) have now consumed 8 pounds of rat poison. I dont know if they are immune or if i am making a dent in the rodent population

I am quite cautious when i walk in the door. Waiting for the day when i peek in and there is a skunk inside there