well to get started out I was unable to find any hulls at the club that I recongnized so I purchased her 4 boxes of STS managed recoil and 4 boxes of STS Low recoil light target loads to see how they work for her. We intend to save the hulls so once those are used up I will have some quality hulls to reload. I also picked up 5 boxes of the Remington Premium Nitro Golds for myself to shoot becuase they where priced right. From what I understand all of the above should be good hulls to reload. Once they are all shot up I will have 125 nitro gold hulls and 200 sts hulls so that should give me a good starting point for components. Plus that gets her out shooting and gives me some time to get a manual and figure out the rest.

She did shoot her gun for the first time last night and insisted on trying the nitro golds which seemed to be a little much out of the gate for her. I think she was more in shock as the sound and recoil really suprised her and she was a little timid and wary of the gun going into it. But thats what I expected as she didnt grow up around guns and is still getting familiar with them. But she did blow up that milk jug filled with water and was really happy about that.

Last edited by nomad_archer; 09/26/12.