Originally Posted by WranglerJohn
Thread title reminded me of the old Neil Simon song, Slip Slidin' Away. Perfect for Obama's swan song, the lyrics begin:

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away

Now all we need is one of you fellows with some musical talent to parody the song for Obama. I would like to know which well he crawled out of; guy has to be a hot water demon or maybe something that crawled out of a pod.

Ever think of what could happen if the October surprise came from the opposition side. Just once I would love to see the tricks come from the Republicans, there's got to be enough factual dirt on Obama - if a Kamikaze or two could only penetrate that pawl of secrecy Obama placed on all his records.
Hit the road Barack

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