Originally Posted by Formidilosus
Originally Posted by Killertraylor
Dirtfarmer probably knows it, but his statement above about first focal plane reticles needs to be corrected in that the crosshairs get THICKER, not thinner when you crank the power up on a FFP reticle.

FFP does neither. FFP reticles cover up the same amount of target at all powers. If the reticle covers up 1/2in at 100 yards at 6x it will cover 1/2in at 18x.

You are correct - I should have said that a FFP covers up more of the target than the same reticle at the same power in a SFP scope. The point being, when they are cranked up to full power for long range shooting, the reticle gets HUGE in the scope - especially if you are used to SFP. When I tried the Schmidt and Bender, it covered up an entire 1" bull and then some at 100 yards when cranked up to 16.