Not being a coffee addict or nothing... The best brand coffee I have found over the last 20 years of drinking it is by far.... Tim Hortons, 2 shots of hazelnut, 2 creams. 2nd in line as far as flavor is Millstone Foglifter. The nutty aftertones sets off the smooth flavor.

Honestly, I will drink any swill that has coffee in the name. Hot or cold. French press gives the best flavor, but the Keurig works well for that morning wake up. I don't actually form real words or coherent sentences until after the second cup of the morning. Luckily the coffee ladies are well trained and understand this.

When I worked ER, didn't matter how old, I would finish off the pot. In the field and downrange, I may or may not have chewed down the coffee packets out of the MREs... I prefer cream, but as long as it's coffee, I will usually drink it. The stronger the better.