Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by derby_dude

It's tough to pray or meditate with out a icon of one's Deity which is probably why Catholics have them.

As a Pagan I don't have those restrictions.

Every now and then you write something that makes me think you're not a complete idiot. Then you post something like this and I realize you are.

Well I admit it's poor grammar which I didn't catch until you pointed it out but beyond that I said nothing that isn't the truth.

I don't know of any protestant churches that have religious icons other than maybe a wooden cross. Catholics have numerous religious icons of one sort or another. Usually of saints and of Jesus. I'll admit that I haven't been in a Catholic Church in some time but the last time I was in one there were still the usual religious icons in there. Maybe that's changed. The 1st and 2nd Commandment of the Ten Commandments does forbid religious icons.

Pagans have all kinds of religious icons of their Deities depending on the Pagan path. There are no restrictions on religious icons for Pagans of any of the Pagan religions I'm familiar with.

One certainly doesn't need a religious icon to pray or meditate but I find it easier to do and most Pagans do as well. Most Zen Buddhist have some type of icon to use for meditation many using a Buddha icon. As a former Catholic back in the day praying using a religious icon as a representative of some saint or Jesus was standard operating procedure and as a Pagan I still find it helpful today.

If this makes me an idiot well so be it.

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"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude